Friday 28 April 2017

End of Term 1!

At the end of the term we treated ourselves to a trip to the Suter Art Gallery. We managed to dodge the rain clouds and enjoyed a session with Esther looking at abstract pieces of art based on landscapes.
This was followed by a hands on lesson using the magnificent view from Esther's classroom as our landscape. We created some fabulous work using black paper, white crayon, glue sticks and bucket loads of glitter!

For our maths rich task we were attempting to work out seating plans for a party. We worked in teams to solve a range of increasingly difficult problems with great success!

During Discovery Time we link in our social skills programme and key competencies. We came up with a new motto for our class!

Next term...

Next term promises to be an action packed and busy time.
During writing time we will be looking at procedural instructions and persuasive texts.
At maths time our focus will be multiplication and division.
The reading programme will continue with a focus on comprehension and scanning.
We will be preparing for both a science and an art exhibition.
In week 3 we will be starting our training for the school cross country.
Mid June we will celebrate Matariki.
Towards the end of term we can look forward to student led conferences.

I trust you have all had a happy and safe holiday!

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